It is a non-invasive diagnostic method that gives the opportunity to assess the brain’s bioelectrical activity. Electrodes placed on the surface of the skin record electrical potential, which, using a suitable amplifier, creates a recording called an electroencephalogram.
Adolf Beck, who in 1890 published his work at the Jagiellonian University, is considered the Polish precursor of the EEG. The first human EEG study was conducted by psychiatrist Hans Berger.


EEG studies have found wide application in the diagnosis and monitoring of disorders such as epilepsy, sleep disorders, coma and brain death as well as organic brain diseases and neurotoxic poisoning.

Electroencephalographic apparatus is also used in mind training – Biofeedback.

There are many types of brain waves, including alpha, beta, theta, gamma or delta waves. During the examination, the following are analyzed: the speed of flow of these waves, amplitude, shape, configuration, spatial diversity, proportions of the participation of different waves, symmetry or asymmetry of the recording, and the occurrence of epileptical or focal slowing patterns.